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Functions of Labour Department

  • Promotion of Industrial peace and productivity by prevention of Strikes and Lock-outs
  • Resolution of industrial disputes and facilitation of fair wage settlements through conciliation
  • Implementation of Code of Conduct for workers and employers
  • Promotion of Welfare and Social Security of workers by implementation of schemes
  • Securing to workers safety, welfare, working hours, holidays, leaves etc., by enforcement of 26 Labour Acts
  • Fixation and securing payment of Minimum Wages to workers in 73 Employments
  • Settlement of claims of wage, Employees Compensation, Gratuity, Bonus etc., for workers
  • Securing Appointment Letters, I.D. Cards etc., to the workers
  • Enforcement of Labour Acts by regular inspections
  • Registration and Licencing of Establishments and registration of Trade Unions
  • Prohibition of employment of Child Labour and securing their rehabilitation

Functions of APBOCWWB

  • Provide immediate assistance to a beneficiary in case of accident
  • Make payment of pension to the beneficiaries who have completed the age of sixty years
  • Sanction loans and advances to a beneficiary for construction of a house not exceeding such amount and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed
  • Pay such amount in connection with premia for Group Insurance Scheme of the beneficiaries as it may deem fit
  • Give such financial assistance for the education of children of the beneficiaries as may be prescribed
  • Meet such medical expenses for treatment of major ailments of a beneficiary or such dependant, as may be prescribed
  • Make payment of maternity benefit to the female beneficiaries
  • Make provision and improvement of such other welfare measures and facilities as may be prescribed

Functions of AP Labour Welfare Board

  • Andhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1987, the A.P Labour Welfare Board was constituted vide G.o Ms No.93 LE&TE Dt. 12.06.1988 and came into force on 01.06.1988.
  • The collection of contributions (Rs.30/- + Rs.70/-) from the workers and Managements of various establishments like Shops & Establishments, Factories, Motor Transport Undertakings, and Societies & Trusts is being done through A.P. Labour Welfare Board.
  • The prime motto behind the collection of Welfare Fund is proper utilization of Fund by creating various Welfare schemes and strict implementation of the Welfare Schemes to the needy workers in a transparent way.

Important Links

  • Policies
  • Help
  • Archive
  • Website Information manager

O/o Commissioner of Labour,
# 33-7-6 & 33-8-14,
Papaiah Street,
Sitapramapuram, Vijayawada,
Andhra Pradesh - 520002.
1st Floor, O/o APLW Board.
2nd Floor, O/o APB&OCWW Board
3rd, 4th & 5th Floor, O/o Commissioner of Labour